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Business Listings


Free Listings

Circle Health Group

The Highfield Hospital, , Manchester Road, Rochdale, OL11 4LZ

Tel: 01706 655121
Mob: 07584 385 679
Contact: Email

Urgent care centre

Rochdale Infirmary, Whitehall Street, Rochdale, OL12 0NB

Tel: 01706 377777

NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Clinical Commissioning Group (HMR CCG)

Number One Riverside, Third Floor, Smith Street, Rochdale, OL16 1XU

Tel: 01706 652853

Rochdale Infirmary

Whitehall Street, Rochdale, OL12 0NB

Tel: 01706 377777

The Floyd Unit

Birch Hill Hospital, , Birch Road, Rochdale, OL12 9RD

Tel: 01706 754242

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